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Health Centre Revitalization Project


Business No: 124539214RR0001

Health Centre Revitalization Project

The Camp Kawartha Health Centre can be a busy place. Itchy poison ivy rashes, swollen ankles from a vigorous game of soccer, a touch of home-sickness, or even a sun burn are all indications that tell us the Camp is a busy, dynamic place.

The Nursing Staff are wonderful, monitoring and tending to hundreds of kids of all ages, and a myriad of staff members.

After decades of use it has become apparent that the old cabin turned Health Centre needs to be replaced. It is not accessible, it is cramped, it sits on piers and is energy inefficient and its costly to run. And given the COVID-19 pandemic, a modern, fully equipped health centre is an important part of Camp Kawartha’s evolving infrastructure.

Work has already begun to construct a Zero Building, which translated means zero net energy use; zero carbon footprint; zero toxins; and zero construction waste. In fact, given the materials used, this building will actually sequester more carbon (5 tonnes) than was used in it is construction! This supports our goal of becoming recognized as a national environmental education leadership centre, showcasing to the region, province, country and world what innovative green buildings can look like.

The redesigned Health Centre will not only accommodate the health needs of our many guests and staff, it will show how people and nature can occupy the same space so that both can thrive.

It’s a fantastic project with lots of opportunity to teach children, youth and adults about sustainable building practices.

A low-carbon, nature-rich future is possible. With your generous donation, Camp Kawartha will show the world just how this can be done! 

* Brochure and Donor Recognition

* Sustainable Building Features

* Floor Plan

If you would like to find out more about this vital project, please email Executive Director, Jacob Rodenburg –