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Transforming Care Together Campaign


Business No: 118826650RR0001

Transforming Care Together Campaign

Every year, with donor support Campbellford Memorial Hospital (CMH) invests in diagnostic tools and new technologies that ensure we continue to offer the best care possible to the residents of our rural community. With your help, we will purchase equipment and technologies needed to provide quicker, better and safer diagnosis, enhance and expand the care provided, attract and retain skilled medical professionals, reduce wait times, improve the health of our patients and save lives.

The community need of our hospital is growing. Our population is aging and requires more complex care. At some point in out lives, each of us relies on the care we receive at CMH. Together, we will fund three essential project areas:

1. Acquire Life-Saving Diagnostics,

2. Replace Critical Patient Care Equipment

3. Invest in Transforming Technologies

Please give generously. Your tax-deductible investment will help ensure the best quality care possible, close to home, now and for future generations.