Business No: 861131670RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Empowering a Guatemalan community to build a brighter future through education and primary health care
Founded in 2005, Alianza works with teachers and other local leaders in the village of Comitancillo, Guatemala to provide scholarships, academic support, prenatal care, and low cost medications to people who might otherwise have access to none of these things. Our goal is to strengthen existing resources (schools, locally trained health care providers) by providing funding for salaries, a clinic space, medications, scholarships and safer, more efficient wood burning stoves. We do this through the support of individual donors, Rotary Club grants, and donations from philanthropic organizations. 99% of donated funds go towards materials, salaries and scholarships; the only administrative fee is the bank charge for transferring funds. Our board are all volunteers. We have five part-time and one full-time local employees working to organize and implement the programs year round. We welcome anyone wishing to travel with us to Comitancillo (normally in January of each year) who would like to share their skills directly with people in the village, or simply meet with participants and help bear witness to the ongoing need, but also the incredible resilience and resourcefulness of the people.