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Provide Urgent Drought Relief for Families in Bolivia


Business No: 118830983RR0001

Provide Urgent Drought Relief for Families in Bolivia

A major drought emergency is unfolding in Bolivia.

Bolivia is experiencing the hottest winter on record resulting in more evaporation, drier soils and an increase in crop diseases, all of which has resulted in a reduced crop production. Some crops like lettuce and chard have not survived the extreme heat and lack of water. Small scale women farmers are not able to grow enough food to feed their families and sell their produce for income. 

Families have had to ration their water use and in some areas they need to have water delivered at a higher cost. The reduction of food crops and the added cost of water is putting extra financial pressure on families and threatening their food security.

Please support drought relief in Bolivia to ensure children and their families have enough food.

Your donation will supply urgent relief like: 

- purchasing cisterns of clean water for consumption and garden watering

- mulch to help keep moisture in the ground to help gardens grow

- a variety of drought resistant seeds to continue to grow food to replace lost crops

- meals at school and after-school centres to offset the cost of food for parents

For over 20 years, Canadian Feed The Children has taken a community-led approach to help achieve long-term change for children, families and communities. We focus on food security and education as catalysts of change and capacity building to ensure sustainability. Last year, CFTC donors supported Bolivian children and families by:

- providing 116,707 meals through schools and after-school centres

- establishing 152 gardens for food and income

- supporting 90 new business ventures (90% women-owned)

- engaging 383 individuals with agricultural training including best practices for water harvesting and irrigation

- and much more!

Canadian Feed The Children is an award-winning registered Canadian charity focused on food security and transforming local food systems for long-term sustainability.

We partner with 133 communities in Canada, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda.