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Achieving the greatest impact for children


Business No: 122680572RR0001

Achieving the greatest impact for children

As a UNICEF supporter, you want to achieve the greatest impact for children. But what is the best way to do this?

Our more than 75 years of experience has shown us that contributing to UNICEF’s Core Resources for Results (RR) is the most effective way you can support children. RR is essentially funding without restrictions, not to a specific region or project, but to be used by UNICEF wherever and whenever the need is greatest.

RR enables you to achieve the greatest impact as it provides UNICEF with three key tools: the predictability to plan and implement long-term programs for children, the flexibility to address challenging and rapidly changing contexts, and the efficiency that comes from reducing transaction costs and maximizing resources that go directly to children.

So if, like us, you have a singular wish to help children, wherever they live and whatever they need, then supporting UNICEF’s Core Resources today is the best way to make a real impact.

The world is a much better place today than it was when UNICEF was founded, over 75 years ago. Smallpox has been eradicated. Children’s rights have been agreed by United Nations Member States. And universal primary education has been achieved in many countries. Nonetheless, there is still much to do. Changing the world for children takes a long time. Especially in unpredictable times like today – facing COVID-19, conflict and climate change.

As a 100 per cent voluntarily funded organization, UNICEF relies on donors to provide us with flexible funds to fulfil our mandate and change the world for children. However, over recent years, Core Resources have been decreasing as a proportion of our income. This means that UNICEF’s ability to deliver for all children, wherever they live, is at risk.

UNICEF is extremely appreciative of all types of funding, but today, we increasingly require the predictability, flexibility, and efficiency that RR provides, and which in turn creates greater value for money for UNICEF, children, and donors