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Your gift will change lives: meet Marvin.


Business No: 720168913RR0001

Your gift will change lives: meet Marvin.
Marvin’s life changed dramatically just a few short months ago.

He has a history of cancer in his family and was experiencing some mild symptoms, so he was wise to approach his doctor for routine testing. What he would be told would be life altering – Marvin had a particularly aggressive form of prostate cancer.

“When I heard I had cancer, I was very upset,” said Marvin. “Though I knew it was a possibility, it still somehow came as a surprise to me and my family.”

Donors’ past support helped fund a clinical trial that is helping Marvin.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, many Manitobans diagnosed with cancer like Marvin have benefited from participating in clinical trials, which are essential to improving patient outcomes.

Thanks to people just like you, the clinical trials unit at CancerCare is able to fulfill its mandate of providing tomorrow’s treatments today to eligible Manitobans. In Marvin’s case, he is currently enrolled in a trial that aims to ease the severe side effects he is experiencing as a result of his treatment.

As you are reading this, Marvin is undergoing radiation therapy.

Marvin’s treatment plan includes painful injections to reduce his testosterone production. The side effects can be intense, including fatigue, nausea and frequent hot flashes. Once he has completed his prescribed 28 rounds of radiation, Marvin will likely need to continue with these injections for up to two full years.

Continued investment in research and clinical trials is required.

Marvin’s prostate cancer is aggressive, and treatment response is uncertain, as is recurrence in the future. If Marvin’s cancer does not respond to treatment or it does recur in the future, it will be critical that new treatment options are available. The only way this will be possible is for ongoing donor-funded research and clinical trials to continue.

Donors who give monthly in support of Manitobans with cancer like Marvin are ‘Champions of Discovery’ whose gifts are directed to support this vital research. Will you consider joining this important group of loyal and compassionate donors?

Staying positive in light of his diagnosis can be difficult.

As you’d expect, the fear of recurrence due to the aggressive nature of his cancer is something that weighs heavily on Marvin’s mind.

“There’s an emotional toll to having cancer,” says Marvin. “There are times when I feel really sad and worried. It doesn’t happen that often, and I try to stay positive, but it’s not easy.”

Focusing on physical activity and eating well is helping Marvin stay focused on remaining strong both mentally and physically throughout his treatment. Marvin also loves playing the violin, which helps him stay positive. He hopes to be able to resume playing after his treatment is done.

Your gift today will have an impact on Marvin and others who are relying on research.

Your donation will help ensure that Manitobans like Marvin continue to have access to leading-edge treatment options, including clinical trials, so they can share in more tomorrows with their loved ones.

Your gift matters. Whether you make a one-time gift today or sign up as a monthly donor in support of important local research, you will make a real difference in the lives of Manitobans with cancer.