Business No: 118843481RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Central Okanagan Foundation - Give where you live, to make a difference to communities right here at home where we live, work, and play.

Community Foundations are charitable organizations dedicated to improving communities in specific geographical areas. Central Okanagan Foundation does this by pooling the charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds and using the investment income to make grants. For you as a Donor this means your kindness will have an impact right here at home, where we live, work, and play in perpetuity.
We also recognize the sudden and emergent needs of community resources and are pleased to provide a one stop giving centre for your philanthropic needs. Kindness comes in many ways and even the smallest gift can have a big impact today, and into the future.
The Central Okanagan Foundation supports registered charities primarily within the Central Okanagan Region. This encompasses the District of Lake Country, City of Kelowna, City of West Kelowna, and District of Peachland.
We invite you to to click on the DONATE NOW button above to see your donation options. FOR MEMORIAL FUNDS click DONATE NOW button above to see a drop down list of names you can donate in memory of.
We work with private donors, service clubs, businesses, and charitable organizations to stimulate charitable giving, establish permanent endowment funds, and support initiatives that make an ongoing difference in our community and beyond. We connect people who care with causes that matter!
To set up a Family or Corporate Endowment Fund, please reach out to us.