Responding to Covid-19
Business No: 118851930RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Childcan supports families and children who are coping with a diagnosis of childhood cancer. Those with cancer are among the most vulnerable to this new virus, adding hugely to the worries that accompany having a very sick child.
Childcan provides financial, emotional and social support to these families. With physical distancing, we have adapted our programs to provide emotional and social support virtually - through video conference individual counselling and support, for example.
We've suspended our visits to the hospital so are providing some of our financial supports - such as hospital parking passes and meal vouchers - through hospital staff rather than directly. With closures and restrictions, accommodations for newly diagnosed or admitted families are becoming hard to find and are very expensive. We're working with local hotels to determine who is staying open and to offset hotel rates. We're providing gas cards to help cover the costs of travel.
We're providing additional meal vouchers and food to families who aren't able to get to grocery stores. The needs are increasing as more restrictions come into place but we're working hard to fill the gaps and be here for these families living with their child's cancer.