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2023 Spring Campaign: Konbit


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2023 Spring Campaign: Konbit

Too often today, identities are defined by negatives or by dividing lines. We are often more aware of differences than we are of what unites. It’s often easier to define by the negative than it is by the positive attributes we see in a person or a group. If we aren’t careful, it will result in feelings of isolation and outrage. God knows this. He made us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our deepest faults, and yet when He calls us He highlights His handiwork in each of us as unique creations! He also knows we were made for each other, to come together, live together and work together for His Kingdom. He made each person and people group with intentionality, with purpose.

Over the past few years, Haiti’s identity has been mostly defined by negatives: gangs, kidnapping, corruption, poverty, hunger, violence… We’ve seen firsthand how the narrative on Haiti has changed, in both Haitian communities and abroad. Some, both in Haiti and abroad, have given up on Haiti. They’ve moved on, defining Haiti as irreparable or irredeemable. But that’s not what God thinks. We know this because He knows the Haitian people better than they know themselves. He made them on purpose and for a purpose, even when the identity of this unique nation is marred by hard news and struggle.

How does God see the people of Haiti? What did God instill in Haiti that the world needs? This was a question we wrestled recently in a retreat with all our COTP Leaders in Haiti, most of whom are Haitian. It took us a bit to transition into positively framing the people of Haiti, rather than identifying it by its struggles. But once we did, we heard truth about the people of Haiti:

  • They are determined and strong.
  • They are driven by Faith and Hope.
  • They are creative and resilient.

We heard one word come up several times…Konbit. When it did, everyone in the room nodded and acknowledged that konbit is one of the things that uniquely defines Haiti. Simply defined, konbit means come together. However, it takes a bit more unpacking to truly define what konbit means to the people of Haiti and how it defines them.

In the coming weeks, we ask you to join us in collaboration as we dive into what konbit means and how it is displayed in the Bible, woven throughout Haitian culture, an integral part of the ministry of Children of the Promise, and a challenge to you in your own community. As the COTP community has continually shown up time and time again, your effort during the 2023 Spring Campaign will be a konbit for a better COTP and result in a stronger ministry.

We once again have a t-shirt to represent this campaign!  If you'd like to receive a shirt, we are suggesting a $60 donation for each shirt.  Please leave your shirt size(s) in the message area.  For any questions regarding your shirts, please contact Gina