Registered Name: Climb and Conquer Society Canada
Business No: 850927237RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
CNC supports at-risk youth to build healthy self-esteem, relationships and leadership skills through rock climbing and caring mentorships.
About Climb and Conquer Society Canada (CNC):
Climb and Conquer Society Canada is a registered charity (85092 7237 RR0001) run entirely by volunteers located in Vancouver, BC. We support youth (age 13-19) from disadvantaged backgrounds to build supportive relationships, self confidence, physical fitness, integration into caring communities through rock climbing, caring mentorships and clinical counselling and coaching for mental health. Currently, we service the Greater Vancouver area (for rock climbing) and Canada-wide (for clinical counselling).
We are the first-of-its-kind program in Greater Vancouver. Rock climbing is an excellent way to help youth build both physical and mental strength. But the access has traditionally been difficult due to costs and a lack of mentors. This pioneer project aims to solve this challenge and open up boundless opportunities.
We currently run 2 program:
- One-on-One Mentorship Matches (once a week) where we carefully match 1 Volunteer with 1 Youth and they meet once a week to indoor rock climbing or other recreational activities for minimum 6 months.
- Clinical counselling and coach for mental health for youth and their families
Program Accessibility
Our program focuses on on youth age 13-19 from disadvantaged backgrounds or low income families. We accept direct applications as well as referral by professionals e.g. social worker, teacher, counsellor, etc. We also allow siblings/parents to climb in the sessions. This strategy is to promote family fun, support and exercise lifestyle. Full subsidy is offered.
At the same time, our program is open to ALL YOUTH. Youth (and their siblings/parents) from non-disadvantaged backgrounds can register and they pay regular gym admissions without subsidy. This strategy is to promote mutual support, integration and avoid stigma.
We are currently in partnership with the Vancouver School Board, YWCA, PLEA Kidstart, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and various other non-profit youth agencies. Always looking for more children/youth and community partners.
Community Benefit:
We are the first of its kind program in Metro Vancouver. Our style of program (i.e. exercise program and mentorship for disadvantaged youth and families) is under-supply in the Metro Vancouver.
In our program, we also trained our youth (who have became more experienced in climbing) to be leaders and mentor the newer youth in climbing. This strategy is to build up leadership skills and a sense of accomplishment in youth.
Our Society is fully volunteer run by climbers (volunteers) and we have mobilized over 200 volunteers (not counting repeated attendance) to give back to the community. This strategy is to encourage community volunteering and also set a good role modelling example for the youth to care about the community and support each other.
Funding is through community donations and fundraising. We are always looking for sponsorships.
Contact/Question: Joseph Wong, President 778-928-9550