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UKRAINE CRISIS! Call to Action!


Business No: 118875517RR0001

UKRAINE CRISIS! Call to Action!

As you read this, the situation in Ukraine is becoming more and more dire.  And as the war escalates, so does the impact on millions of innocent people, as they helplessly watch their country rapidly deteriorate.  Without access to essential goods and services – such as food, medicine, water, electricity and banks – most in Ukraine must rely on the help and generosity of others.

CDF Canada is particularly concerned about the impact on Ukrainian women, who are often left on their own to keep themselves and their children safe.  The very same women who are still recovering from past conflicts and war, find themselves under siege yet again.

While conditions worsen, CDF Canada is doing everything possible to support the women and people of Ukraine. We’re in constant contact with our team on the ground, working closely with them to ensure we do all that we can to help keep our staff and beneficiaries safe, starting with those in our project areas.

While many around the world take a “watch and wait” approach, we have an opportunity to do something about it now!  CDF Canada is actively raising much-needed funds for the people of Ukraine, and we’re calling on the co-operative community across Canada to help.

Perhaps you’re a member of co-op, a leader of a credit union, or simply a humanitarian at heart.  Every dollar counts and every life matters.  Our funding priorities will start with the women who’ve been displaced by the war, CDF Canada’s partner co-ops and credit unions, and their members and families.

Credit unions have a long-standing history of helping members in need and are often the only source of funding for small farmers and agricultural producers.  In Ukraine alone, there are more than 400,000 credit union members. Your donations today will help rebuild their lives and country tomorrow – once this conflict is behind us!