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Coalition for Music Education in Canada


Business No: 889776340RR0001

Supporting music education programs in our schools and communities. Music transforms lives!

Coalition for Music Education in Canada


Our Mission

The mission of the Coalition for Music Education in Canada is to raise the awareness and understanding of the role that music plays in Canadian culture, and to advocate for the contribution that music education makes in the lives of all Canadians.

Our Vision

We envision Canada as a country where the lives of all children are enriched by quality school music programs, and where their active participation in music is valued and supported in our communities.

About Coalition for Music Education in Canada

We have 4 priorities - to INFORM, to ADVOCATE, to CELEBRATE and to CONNECT.  We do this through programs such as:

  • Music Monday - Canada's nation wide celebration of music that actively engages children and youth in their schools and communities
  • Youth4Music - a program dedicated to Canadian youth inspiring and building community through music. 
  • Champions for Music Education
  • Awards:  NUFSICISUM Youth Leadership Awards
  • Events:  youth-led symposiums, community events


• To protect, develop and promote the role of music in education.

• To establish a national network that provides support to parents,

local advocacy and music education organizations.

• To support the role of teachers of music in education.

• To accumulate information and statistics on all pertinent aspects

of music education in Canada.

• To research and distribute appropriate resource/support materials.

• To promote life-long participation and engagement in music.

• To support the use of active music making in therapeutic settings.


135 Milner Avenue

Toronto, ON, M1S 3R1

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