Monthly Hero Drive
Business No: 895837912RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
For the price of your Netflix subscription, you can provide stability and care for CWRC and our wildlife.
In March - Make your donation go further! When you commit to a new monthly donation of $20 or more during March, CanadaHelps will add-on an extra $20.
We need consistent and reliable funding now more than ever! Our goal is to sign up 100+ new donors in March, giving us a minimum $2,000 per month of funds we can count on. Please share our campaign!
How to get your monthly gift matched?
1. Click Donate Monthly in the Donate to this Charity section on this page.
2. Enter $20 or more as the donation amount. (Give 3 times by June 2, 2023 and CanadaHelps will add-on an extra $20.)