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COVID-19 Response

Registered Name: The Colchester East Hants Health Centre Foundation

Business No: 133597476RR0001

COVID-19 Response

As a COVID-19 treatment centre for the Northern Zone of Nova Scotia, the staff of the Colchester East Hants Health Centre must focus on their everyday patient care, additional patients being admitted and treated for the virus, and doing their part to decrease the spread of the virus. 

Now, more than ever, is the time to stand up for healthcare. In these uncertain times it’s become increasingly important to show your support for the dedicated teams at our health centre. The healthcare teams at the CEHHC continuously put their patients first. Their commitment and dedication in the face of new challenges help to keep our community safer, no matter the situation.

Funds raised now will support the greatest needs of patients and healthcare staff of the CEHHC. At this time, the Foundation will be funding Telemetry Units, Vital Signs Monitoring Systems, a Portable Ultrasound, and iPads so patients can communicate with their loved ones. 

In the Telemetry unit of a hospital, patients are often in critical condition and need constant monitoring and care. Telemetry nurses review data from special equipment to track a patient's heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and other vitals.

The Vital Sign Monitors provide us with the capability to collect patient information at the bedside and display on a  Central Station located outside of the patient room for detailed surveillance of critically ill patients. These units will continue to be used after the COVID pandemic as they integrate with our current patient monitoring system and will therefore be a longer term benefit to our community.  

Portable Ultrasounds are smaller, mobile machines that allow for faster, yet still accurate, diagnosis of what is going on in a distressed body. With a more compact, portable scanner able to provide the same high quality images as a larger machine, the possibilities rapidly expand. For one, it means medical teams no longer have to rely on a single machine, and can make diagnoses much sooner. 

Your support will ensure our healthcare teams have the right tools in their hands to help diagnose, treat and care for the ones we love most.