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Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens Fund


Business No: 870389368RR0001

Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens Fund


This Fund helps to support the long term sustainability of the Historic Gardens which showcase gardening methods, designs and materials representing more than four hundred years of local history.

Annual proceeds from the Fund are given to the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens Society – a non profit, registered charity which owns and operates the Gardens. The capital of the Fund is preserved over time to ensure a steady source of income for years to come.

About our Fund…

The Historic Gardens is a 17 acre horticultural paradise located in historic Annapolis Royal. Historically themed areas of the Gardens tell the story of Nova Scotian settlement from an agricultural and horticultural perspective.

  • The Pine Forest represents the huge eastern forests which once covered a vast area, long before Europeans settled in North America.
  • La Maison acadienne shows an early French settler's dwelling, garden and dykelands, based on 1671 records, before the Acadian Deportation of 1755.
  • The Governor's Garden is based on a design from the 18th century when Annapolis Royal was the capital of Nova Scotia.
  • The Victorian Garden, filled with showy annuals, reflects the prosperous days of shipbuilding and vigourous trade of the 19th century.
  • The Innovative Garden demonstrates modern horticultural methods and newly introduced plant material.

These historically based core gardens are linked by paths through other display areas. One of the most magnificent of these is the Rose Collection which has more than 230 cultivars, from ancient roses like the Apothecary Rose through to modern hybrids including roses of the Canadian Explorer, Parkland and Artist series.