Eastern Shore Community Fund
Business No: 870389368RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
"Show your love for the Shore"
Established: 2018
The Eastern Shore Community Fund provides a means for people who care to contribute to supporting organizations that are vital to building stronger, more inclusive communities on the Shore.
How the fund works:
The fund is administered by a committee of local community members who know our area well.
1) They help to spread the word about the fund, and its long-term potential to help develop the area.
2) They actively engage with others to understand the needs and opportunities of our area.
3) They grant from the fund to organizations that make the Eastern Shore a great place to live.
About our fund:
The Eastern Shore Community Fund offers those who care about life on the Shore a way to contribute directly towards not only enhancing quality of life on the Shore, but also to attracting new people to the area.
The fund will welcome donations large and small to create a long term endowment fund to support organizations in a variety of communities on the Shore. Each year, a community committee will review applications annually and distribute the interest generated by the fund.