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Eastern Shore Heritage Preservation Fund


Business No: 870389368RR0001

Eastern Shore Heritage Preservation Fund

Preserving in perpetuity the heritage of the Eastern Shore from Lawrencetown to Ecum Secum


This Fund helps support:

  • Eastern Shore Archives
  • Eastern Shore Oral History Collection
  • Eastern Shore Community Photo Database
  • Eastern Shore Heritage Research Projects
  • Memory Lane Heritage Village
  • Regional Artifact Storage Facility


The vision of the Society is to inspire an enduring appreciation for the heritage of the Eastern Shore in both residents and visitors.

About our Fund

The Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society was founded in 1995 by community members from Lake Charlotte, Ship Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Owls Head, Little Harbour, Clam Harbour and Clam Bay, as well as Upper Lakeville and Oyster Pond / Jeddore who recognized a need for preserving the heritage of these communities. Since then, the Society has broadened its mandate to encompass the whole of the Eastern HRM communities from Lawrencetown to Ecum Secum.

In 2003 the Heritage Society established the Eastern Shore Archives, the only accredited institutional archives within Halifax County on the Eastern Shore. The Archives is the repository for all records related to the social, economic, cultural and natural history of all the communities between Lawrencetown and Ecum Secum. Housed within the climate-controlled, fire-protected Archives are documents, oral histories, photographs, maps and genealogies of the families and businesses of the Eastern Shore.

Since 1995 members of the Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society have dedicated themselves to preserving and sharing the unique human and natural history of the coastal communities along the Eastern Shore. This heritage is offered to residents and visitors through Memory Lane Heritage Village, a living history museum comprised of 18 buildings depicting coastal living in the 1940s. The Heritage Society is overseen by a volunteer board of directors, a paid part-time Executive Director, and over 150 volunteers. Volunteers and community support are essential to the sustainable operation of the Heritage Village and the Archives.