Hugh Douglas Langin Fund
Business No: 870389368RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
A Scholarship Fund for Local Musicians
This Fund was established in memory of Hugh Douglas Langin, Halifax’s strongest living statement that each of us has the potential to change and improve at any point in our life. Injured at birth, Hugh had challenges throughout his life, yet his thirst for knowledge and understanding was life long. Hughie’s greatest passion was music. He loved the music and musicians throughout Halifax loved him. They understood that Hughie’s love of music was like his personality, simple and pure. He was happiest circulating throughout the crowd at Stayner’s Wharf while the band played on. The Hugh Douglas Langin Fund distributes Hughie Awards annually through two streams: one through the Music Arts Program at the Nova Scotia Community College and the second through the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia. The purpose of these Awards is to help local musicians “play on,” through the provision of financial support for his or her musical studies and/or artistic growth pursuits.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this award, applicants must either be enrolled in the Music Arts program at the Nova Scotia Community College or pursuing another form of musical studies and/or musical artistic growth.
Selection Criteria
Musicians of exceptional talent, or potential talent, who best reflect Hughie’s qualities and passion for music, will be selected for the award.
Award Frequency
One or more scholarships will be awarded annually. The donor advisors reserve the right to distribute awards on a more or less frequent basis as income levels and the Foundation permit.