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Yarmouth Area Community Fund


Business No: 870389368RR0001

Yarmouth Area Community Fund

A Gift that Keeps on Giving to Yarmouth Town and County


The Yarmouth Area Community Fund provides a way for all of us to contribute to the community we cherish and to help ensure that our needs are addressed both now and into the future.

How the Fund Works

The Fund is administered by local community members who know our area well. These members:

(1) Help to grow the Fund and gather financial and other community resources to support the Fund's activities;

(2) Actively engage with fellow community members to understand how our community is doing and where help is needed; and

(3) Distribute income from the Fund to local charitable and non-profit organizations, and assist initiatives that make the Yarmouth area a good place to live.

About our Fund…

The Yarmouth Area Community Fund was created to improve our quality of life by supporting the social needs and broad interests of our area, including education, culture, the arts, health, heritage, sport, recreation, the environment, people in need, and other touchstones of our vibrant community.

How our Approach is Different

As one of over 180 community foundations across Canada, and one of the first in Nova Scotia, the Yarmouth Area Community Fund is leading the way in helping our community to help itself. As a permanent endowment fund, only the income is used to support local causes. Your gift to the Fund contributes to the vitality of the Yarmouth area both today and tomorrow. What better gift can you give to your community of family, friends, and neighbours?