Comox Valley Land Trust
Business No: 872590278RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
CVLT is working to protect endangered ecosystems and species in the Comox Valley for future generations.

In Land We Trust
The Comox Valley Land Trust is a charity that works to protect, conserve, and restore the natural environment in the Comox Valley. Since our formation in 1999, we have protected almost 600 hectares of ecologically significant land and wildlife habitat. This success is thanks to the vision and generosity of our donors and partners. The Comox Valley Land Trust operates three programs: the Land Protection Program, The Comox Valley Conservation Program, and the Conservation Science Program.
About Comox Valley Land Trust
The Comox Valley Land Trust works with public and private landowners to protect greenspace, ecosystems, wildlife habitat and landscape-scale connectivity in the Comox Valley. We use a science-based approach to determine strategic priorities and work in partnerships to achieve conservation success.
We hold 13 conservation covenants or leases on ecologically significant private properties throughout the Valley. Total area protected to date is 283 hectares, with additional significant acquisitions planned.
We also work proactively with local governments, other stewardship groups and the development community to implement environmentally friendly land use practices and to collaborate on local conservation efforts. The Comox Valley Conservation Partnership is an alliance of 26 local groups that we support and that creates a venue for this collaboration.
Our Conservation Science program assists in the protection of species and ecosystems at risk. Our current efforts focus on bat research, monitoring, education and outreach.