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When hunger grips… Nothing goes!

Registered Name: Fonds Allamano

Business No: 103714119RR0001

When hunger grips… Nothing goes!

World hunger

A problem… as old as the world. Despite the technical progress made to date, men, women, children, many children are still dying of hunger today.

In Fingoè, Mozambique

Father Justus Adeka and his team launched a food program to improve the health of children, orphans and elders.


Healthy eating and health, the tandem has proven itself! Training and distribution of nutritious food go hand in hand.

Your answer

In Fingoè, Father Adeka is asking for $16,000 to inform families and buy basic foodstuffs. He wants to alleviate the undernourishment of 1,200 Mozambicans, mainly children but also vulnerable adults in the district of Marávia.