Business No: 865958953RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Cowichan Search and Rescue is a non-profit, volunteer organization serving the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island.

The Cowichan Search and Rescue Society (CSAR) is a registered, non-profit charitable society organized and operated by volunteer members. The group was originally formed in 1962, while the society was officially formed in 1992. CSAR is responsible for Search and Rescue (SAR) activities within the jurisdiction of the Cowichan Valley. The Society's purpose is to provide support to the members of Cowichan Search and Rescue by purchasing and maintaining equipment used to perform search, rescue and recovery tasks in the Cowichan Valley and surrounding communities.
CSAR's dedicated group of volunteers form the SAR segment of Emergency Management BC for the ground and inland waterways stretching from the crest of the Malahat on the South, to the Chemainus River on the North, and all of the land in between from the East Coast to the West Coast of Vancouver Island. This area has been extended to include all of the back country between Lake Cowichan and Port Renfrew.
CSAR Members are all trained and certified in Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) through the Justice Institute of British Columbia. The group consists of 40 + active members specializing in Ground Search and Rescue, while simultaneously maintaining specialty teams in the areas of Swift Water Rescue, Tracking and Rope Rescue.
The number of calls responded to vary from year to year and can last from hours to consecutive days. In addition to the time CSAR members spend on searches, many hours are spent on training, planning, administration, fund raising and public education. The calls are overseen by the RCMP, but can also come from the Coroners Service, Parks Canada, British Columbia Ambulance Service, Fire Departments, Local Government during civil emergencies and other SAR agencies for mutual support.
In the course of their activities CSAR members are unpaid professionals, bearing the cost of personal equipment and training. The Society is extremely grateful for donations from businesses, individuals, corporations and grants.