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Keep CTRA Stable through COVID-19


Business No: 891723843RR0001

Keep CTRA Stable through COVID-19

We have been proactive since the start of the outbreak to safeguard CTRA's future and mitigate the effects of this crisis on our program. It has been a heavy undertaking to navigate the changing landscape of this pandemic and communicate it properly to all of our riders and volunteers. We are following and adhering to BC Health Authority COVID-19 protocol and Via-Sport regulations which currently allows us to run limited programming.

After a complete shut down in the spring, we started back with a minimal ridership of completely independent riders in July. These riders needed no assistance from volunteers and an Instructor could guide and teach from the center of the ring. This was 'phase 1' and our barn was completely closed to the public. In October, we entered 'phase 2' which allows us to engage volunteers in a horse handler position only as they can still maintain the prescribed physical distance.

Our hearts are breaking under the constraint of not being able to bring back our full spectrum of programming to riders who we KNOW benefit greatly from their riding time physically, mentally, and emotionally. We can only progress to 'phase 3' when given the allowance by our governing bodies (this would allow us to engage side walkers in the rider's family/caregiving bubble and Instructors could engage and support riders in close proximity). 

We continue be transparent in our appeal for help in providing for the ongoing daily care of our horses and essential costs of our facility. Much of our funding is program-dependent but includes some operational funds. Without these program-dependent funders, CTRA must rely even more on our community to keep the operational dollars coming in.

Thank you for your support!