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Change Her Story: Guatemala


Business No: 106993926RR0001

Change Her Story: Guatemala

Our Mission

Supporting women's empowerment in Guatemala is a powerful way to create lasting change and foster resilience among marginalized women and at-risk girls. We are committed to this cause, offering a multifaceted approach that includes agricultural training, vocational workshops, ongoing coaching in business practices, and seed capital to help marginalized women launch their own businesses. We believe that financial independence is a key to empowerment. Additionally, our Companion Girl's empowerment program specifically targets at-risk girls, equipping them with the knowledge of their inherent value and identity. Through this program, these girls learn to make positive life decisions, helping to mitigate the risks of trafficking and prostitution.

Make a difference: Your support can be a catalyst for transformation in the lives of these women and girls, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive and flourish in their communities.