Business No: 107962771RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Dance Arts Institute (formerly The School of Toronto Dance Theatre)
Over 50 years of inspired dance training.
Our Mission & Mandate
Dance Arts is passionately committed to training and education in the art of contemporary dance.
Through our professional programs we dedicate ourselves to investing in the artistic potential of youth for the development of the art form.
- The school strives to train and educate students in all aspects of their artistic development.
- The school serves the art of contemporary dance by providing well-trained dance artists who will contribute to creative development and progress in the professional field.
- The school encourages the professional development of faculty and guest artists so that they may further their artistry and provide excellent and relevant instruction to all students.
Through our recreational programs we dedicate ourselves to investing in the movement potential and creativity of people within our community.
- The school provides excellent training and education in creative movement and contemporary dance to people of all ages.
-The school serves as an advocate for dance and for education in the arts within the dance community and to the public-at-large.
Our Values
- excellence and innovation
- sound, healthy, and progressive training
- investing in choreographic and creative development
- providing a working environment appropriate to serve the needs of all of the students, the faculty and staff, and the art form
For more than 40 years, the school has been training dancers who have been inspired by the depth of passion and the physical power of the human body in motion. Contemporary dance is an art form of kinetic expression, which both represents and reflects back to us our contemporary world through the elements of time, space, energy, musicality, and dynamics. It can provoke joy and wonder, sadness and despair, humour and delight, and deep feelings of passion and spiritual awareness. As an art form it keeps us profoundly in touch with others, with our environment, and with ourselves.
Philosophically, training emphasizes the whole dancer - body, mind, and spirit - since excellent movement training engages the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our humanity. Dance Arts affirms its commitment to the education of all aspects of an individual through its strong and varied curriculum and through the provision of excellent role models in its faculty and guest artists.