Registered Name: Daystar Native Christian Outreach
Business No: 822747895RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Our Vision
The vision of DAYSTAR is to impact the culture and communities of Ontario’s Native people with the love of Christ, by carrying the whole Gospel in personal and practical ways. Resting in the Holy Spirit’s work, Native peoples will accept Him as Savior and own Him as Lord. In maturing through life example and teaching from the Word of God, they will experience the transforming Gospel in personal balance, peace, and wholeness, able to be effective witnesses.
DayStar is HOPE – A living hope!
The song “Jesus, Hope of the Nations” – is the statement of our desire and intent as we move into relationships with our Native communities. With their centuries old meaningful traditions, deep spiritual teachings and strong cultural connections, our Native peoples need to hear the transforming message of the Gospel so they can experience the hope of Jesus Christ in their everyday living. Seeing indigenous people raised up to be leaders to show their communities that God loves, cares, and can move personally, deeply, and passionately in them, is our all- encompassing priority. DayStar strives to be an integral part of each community through lasting relationships that form the basis of “Gospel presentation” – whether formal presentation in established programming, personal conversations, acts of kindness/service, or “living life” with them. “DayStar” is synonymous with believers in the community as “followers of Christ” living out their faith – we are partnering with them in fulfilling the Great Commission.
DayStar is seeing light and hope come into the lives of the Native People. It is seeing godly Native leaders raised up. Our full time staff and all of those who partner with us in the communities on Manitoulin Island and the North and East shores of Lake Huron/Georgian Bay seek to provide those intentional opportunities with children, youth, adults and elders. The joy of seeing lives transformed as the light of Jesus dispels the darkness!