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Turkey & Syria Earthquake Appeal


Business No: 855922704RR0001

Turkey & Syria Earthquake Appeal

Türkiye & Syria Earthquake Appeal

Feb 15: The losses are unimaginable as we continue to hear back from teams in Turkey and Syria. The reported much-needed items are warm clothing, blankets, and hygiene products. Our partners Disaster Aid Europe have purchased items and delivered them to the Turkish Embassy in Prague. The first cargo plane of goods went out last Thursday and another on Saturday. They will continue to take items there and more when funds are received to make purchases. 

Feb 9th: The Earthquake toll climbs to over 15,000 people, as the search teams battle conditions to find survivors. The WHO estimates over 23 million people are affected over multiple regions. Volunteers and aid have been pouring into the areas but they have an upward battle as buildings continue to crumble and temperatures plummet. 

Thank you for your ongoing support for this tragedy.

Feb 6th: A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit at 4:18 am, followed by 7.5 and 6 magnitude aftershocks within hours. There have been over 100 aftershocks felt by millions over multiple regions. The quake has claimed over 3,000 lives and injured thousands more. Buildings are still collapsing all around while people continue to search for loved ones. 

Disaster Aid Canada is collecting funds to support those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We’re working with our Disaster Aid International partners as they assess the relief effort and to help place the support in the hands of those that need it most. 

Disaster Aid Europe is closely monitoring the situation in Turkey, as aftershocks continue to devastate the area. The evaluation of need is ongoing and Disaster Aid Canada will continue to update our donors as we receive reports from the region. 

Please consider donating to help provide emergency relief.