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Wheelchair & Lift Accessible Van


Business No: 118894401RR0001

Wheelchair & Lift Accessible Van

Moving Edson & Area has been a cornerstone in providing accessible transportation solutions for Edson residents with mobility and/or cognitive challenges. Our mission is to ensure that every individual, regardless of their limitations, has the opportunity to travel within our community safely, comfortably, and with dignity. Our fleet, consisting of a 2016 and a 2014 mobility bus, has served us well in this endeavor, enabling countless journeys that have significantly improved the quality of life for many of our residents.

However, as these vehicles age, the need for newer, more reliable buses becomes evident. The aim of this campaign is not only to replace our aging mobility buses but also to embrace the opportunity to enhance the services we provide.

Our current buses, with years of service under their belts, are facing the inevitable challenges that come with age—increased maintenance requirements and the potential for more frequent breakdowns. Replacing these buses with newer models will ensure that we can continue to offer our services without interruption, prioritizing the safety and comfort of our passengers.

Technological advancements in the field of accessible transportation have been significant since the acquisition of our current buses. New models come equipped with improved lift mechanisms, enhanced safety features, and more comfortable accommodations for passengers. Upgrading our fleet will allow us to provide a service that not only meets but exceeds the expectations for accessibility and comfort.

Newer buses are designed with the environment in mind, boasting more fuel-efficient engines and reduced emissions. By updating our fleet, we're not only investing in the future of accessible transportation but also in the health of our planet.

Your support will directly contribute to the purchase of a new mobility van. Each donation, no matter the size, brings us a step closer to our goal.