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Fundraising For Sunny Days Camp Mississauga


Business No: 802886218RR0001

Fundraising For Sunny Days Camp Mississauga

When my daughter started having seizures in kindergarten, it was a terrifying experience for our family. The suddenness of it all, the fear of the unknown, and the helplessness of not understanding why it was happening made those early days incredibly challenging.

As she has grown, epilepsy has become a part of our daily lives, shaping our routines and decisions. Despite the uncertainties and the constant vigilance it requires, my daughter faces each day with courage and resilience. She navigates through the ups and downs of epilepsy with a positive outlook teaching us the true meaning of strength and perseverance. Though the journey has been difficult, watching her thrive in the face of adversity makes me so proud.

Being a parent to a child with epilepsy is a journey marked by both fear and uncertainty. From the initial signs of seizures to the long road of diagnosis, every step feels like navigating through a series of unknowns. The struggle to find answers, understanding, and effective treatment options can be overwhelming.

Organizations like Epilepsy South Central Ontario play a crucial role in providing support, resources, and a sense of community to families like ours. Their initiatives not only fund community support systems for children and adults living with Epilepsy, but also offer invaluable guidance, and advocacy in the face of this challenging journey, Epilepsy South Central Ontario serves as beacon of hope, reminding us that we aren't alone.

I am raising funds to support the Epilepsy South Central Ontario Sunny Days Camp. This is a weekly summer camp for children living with Epilepsy aged 5-14, as well as their siblings. 

Epilepsy South Central Ontario (ESCO) makes the camp accessible for all by making it affordable. Sunny Days Camp is supported by and relies on corporate sponsorship, public donations, and federal grants. Epilepsy organizations like ESCO do not receive government funding.

A $150.00 donation will send 1 child to camp for 1 day.

Anything you can afford would help immensely - $5, $10, or $20, whatever you can afford to donate.

Thank you for your support!