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Living with Epilepsy


Business No: 802886218RR0001

Living with Epilepsy

My name is Mark Formagie and I live with Epilepsy. Approximately 1 in 100 Canadians have Epilepsy and 1 in 10 Canadians will experience a seizure in their lifetime, making it one of the most common neurological disorders.

Living with Epilepsy has provided me with opportunities to overcome adversity, learn about the disease, and confront the stigma. For the past several years I have been working to understand my limitations and how to adapt to a new lifestyle. This challenging journey has made me a stronger person, allowing me to learn and grow as an independent individual.

Having firsthand experience dealing with the daily side-effects of Epilepsy and witnessing those managing to live around family and friends who are suffering from this disease. It gives me a purpose to positively impact those in need. I believe I must step up and take responsibility to help raise awareness about Epilepsy, educate the public, and provide financial support to the community.

I am raising funds to support the Epilepsy South Central Ontario Sunny Days Camp. This is a weekly summer camp for children living with Epilepsy aged 5-14, as well as their siblings. As a child growing up, there were no camps like this for me, where I could go to fit in, learn about seizures and feel understood about the challenges I was facing. I knew I was different; I just didn’t know why. Anyone living with Epilepsy deserves to have the opportunity to flourish in an environment where they feel safe and are surrounded by others who empathize with the difficulties.

Epilepsy South Central Ontario (ESCO) makes the camp accessible for all by making it affordable. Sunny Days Camp is supported by and relies on corporate sponsorship, public donations, and federal grants. Epilepsy organizations like ESCO do not receive government funding.

Because ESCO needs support to continue the ongoing operation of the camp, I want to leave a lasting impression and make a difference in as many lives as possible surrounding Epilepsy, I am pledging my loyalty to help make this a reality. Being a Realtor® for almost a decade has allowed me to help my clients in other meaningful ways, so with every home I sell, at least one child will go to camp. If you or anyone you know is considering moving, reaching out could have a significant influence on these efforts. If you’d like to help send a child to camp please donate through this secure donation page.

A $150.00 donation will send 1 child to camp for 1 day.

Anything you can afford would help immensely - $5, $10, or $20, whatever you can afford to donate.

Thank you for your support!