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Sponsor a wheelchair for a child in need in Peru!


Business No: 873818215RR0001

Sponsor a wheelchair for a child in need in Peru!

Partner with us to provide life-changing equipment that will empower children with disabilities and their families!

Each $250 donated will sponsor 1 wheelchair for a child in need in Peru. That’s $250 for an absolutely life-changing piece of equipment that will allow a child who cannot walk to move about the home and to participate in family life, to go outside to play with friends, and in many cases, to go to school for the very first time! Having a wheelchair also provides immense health benefits for the child and frees up parents' time to be able to work and/or otherwise support their family.

You can give a monthly donation of $21, a one-time donation of $250, or simply give a portion of the cost. Every donation, no matter what the size, is greatly appreciated and helps us move towards our goal!

We currently have over 200 children from southern Peru on a waiting list for a wheelchair. These are children who are in desperate need of a wheelchair and who have already been evaluated.  We are currently collecting pediatric wheelchairs and other rehabilitation equipment, which will be refurbished and adapted to each child's specific needs by an experienced therapist. We are hoping to ship a container of this equipment to Peru in April 2023.

The $250 sponsorship cost covers refurbishing the chair (if necessary), shipment to Peru and on to its destination city in the south of the country, custom-seating and adjustments for the recipient, training and support for the child’s family, and a one-year check-in for adjustments and repairs (other support and adjustments available at other times, as needed).

Also, if you have or know of anyone who has pediatric rehabilitation equipment that is not in use and that they’d be willing to donate, please contact us a We can pick up equipment in the greater Toronto area and we can provide tax receipts for the value of the donated equipment. Thank you!