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Protect Spotted Turtle

Registered Name: Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, Inc.

Business No: 888782570RR0001

Protect Spotted Turtle

Particularly on the shores of Lake Huron, critical turtle habitat is being lost to development - we need to protect some of the last remaining habitats of these rare species before they vanish for good! EBC is working to protect both the Endangered Spotted Turtle and the Eastern Wood-Pewee, a species of special concern in Ontario given the persistent decline in its population over the past 40 years in Canada.

EBC will apply your funds to identify suitable properties and protect them from cottage and other development and protect the threatened wildlife that inhabits this land. These  funds may also be applied to remove invasive Phragmites, which is a bamboo-like grass that grows so tightly in wetlands, that turtles and frogs are blocked from accessing shorelines.

Donate today, your contribution will make a difference!