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Haiti - Urgent Need for Cholera Prevention


Business No: 118781699RR0001

Haiti - Urgent Need for Cholera Prevention

A recent resurgence of Cholera in cases are coming into Sante 2000, Dr. Manno’s Clinic. Immediate action and prevention are needed to slow contamination and assist infected patients.

Help us limit the spread of the bacteria in the community and providing cholera prevention to save lives and resources.

We need your passion and your action to save lives. Give now.

The goal is to raise $13,600 Cdn ($10,000 US) to cover the next four months during the rainy season. The funds will go towards Cholera treatment, decontamination and prevention systems (water filters and chlorine tablets), and community education.

*This is an urgent fundraising campaign separate from our annual Haiti campaign supporting all 4 of our committed projects. To donate to our main projects, click here.

Already in Haiti, 17 education agents have been able to visit 612 houses in 3 communities with between 5-10 family members each. Over 100 homes were evaluated and received a water filter.

Many have been provided with chlorine tablets and taught how to use them to clean their water. Cases of Cholera have dramatically dropped at Sante 2000 Clinic and local clinic as a result of the treatment and prevention systems.

Dr. Manno and his team cannot do it alone. We need your support to spread the word and raise the funds. Help provide lifesaving medical care.

Save medical costs, resources and most importantly lives with the Sante 2000 Cholera Prevention project.

Why the resurgence of Cholera in Haiti?

Powerful gangs have taken over the majority of the capital city of Port-au-Prince restricting movement within and out of the city. The recent removal of the fuel subsidy by the government resulted in gangs blocking access to ports and one of the major fuel terminals cutting off the flow of fuel to the rest of the country. Lack of fuel has driven up the prices of food, prevented goods from flowing to/from market and closed down water treatment plants which is to blame for a resurgence of cholera in some areas of the country.

With limited access to medical supplies, economic support, food and fuel the challenges are overwhelming and discouraging for many of our friends in Haiti. The fuel shortages are a constant strain and access to healthcare, transportation, water and much more are at risk.

In the Haut Limbe area and Northern Haiti the numbers of Cholera cases continue to grow. Confirmed numbers are difficult to know and many can simply not afford care.

About Sante 2000 Clinic

Sante 2000 is a clinic run by Dr. Manno and specializes in diabetic care. Diabetes in Haiti is a growing epidemic and can often mean death as finding the proper care and Insulin is extremely difficult. Healthcare in Haiti is not free, however, Dr. Manno’s clinic offers subsidization. The Clinic has transformed lives by providing lifesaving medical care to over 500 diabetic patients and many more seeking care.

Dr. Manno and his team have worked tirelessly over the years to run a clinic that specializes in diabetic care and treat people in Haut Limbe and the surrounding area. If you’ve met him or heard him speak of his practice it is more than a job. It is his life calling to serve and care for the people of Haiti.