Ex Libris Association
Business No: 890192792RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Who we are:
Ex Libris Association, formed in 1986, is the national Canadian association of people whose careers have been in libraries and information centres, archives, museums and related fields, and who have an interest in historical and current issues in Canadian information services. Association members are largely but not exclusively retired and hail from across Canada – from St. John’s to Victoria.
Membership costs $35 per year or $70 for 2 years.
Brochure link: http://exlibris.ca/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=membership:ex_libris_association_brochure_v2.pdf
• To serve as an independent voice
• To keep members informed
• To provide a forum for recollection and discussion
• To preserve library (and related fields) history
• Annual conference with topics of current interest about libraries, library history, archives and related areas and an opportunity to mingle with other members
• Tours, sponsored talks, and other events of interest to local groups of members
• Preservation of archival records of libraries and papers of members of the library community
• W. Kaye Lamb Award for Service to Seniors, a biennial award open to all Canadian libraries
• The ELAN newsletter published in spring and fall
• Advocacy on critical issues to library, archival and related fields