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Rohingya Children's Projects

Registered Name: Extreme Poverty Projects Canada

Business No: 791494099RR0001

Education for children in refugee camps of genocide survivors. Run by the survivors, for the survivors.

Rohingya Children's Projects


In Myanmar, Rohingya children who are educated are often targeted by the military and Buddhist extremist mobs. In the aftermath of the 2017-18 genocide, more than 60% of the refugees arriving in refugee camps in Bangladesh were children, 37% of them between 0-12 years of age, often without parents or any adult members in their families.

In the refugee camps, Rohingya children have the opportunity they haven't had before - to get education. You can help them by giving them the precious gift of education, so that one day these children will lead their people out of the shadow of perpetual injustice and poverty.

Extreme Poverty Projects - Rohingya Children's Projects is a registered charity in Canada. We work on long term education and employment training projects in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh and in the north-west villages of Burma. We believe in empowering individuals and communities rather than simply donating to provide food and shelter.

Since our inception, Rohingya Children's Projects has successfully implemented various empowerment projects - from schools to vocational training to trafficking awareness to healthcare worker apprenticeship programs. See examples of our work with videos and pictures on our website: and on our Facebook page:

Our projects are planned, managed, and run by refugees themselves who live inside the camps and the villages. It is a reason of pride and empowerment for them. Our administrative work is run by a small team of dedicated volunteers in Canada, who do not only put time into fundraising, accounting, tax keeping, creating reports, and publicizing of our efforts, but also put their own money to cover remittance fees, banking costs, transaction fees that a donor would pay on this website, etc. Hence, 100% of donor funds go to the needy on the grounds in Bangladesh and in Burma.

Our bank statements are public, so you can see where the money is being spent. As a Canadian registered charity, we are able to issue tax receipts for our work. For any contribution above CAD$20, we will send you a tax receipt if you provide us with your email address. We will also include your name on the banners at our school - or the name of anyone to whom you would like to dedicate your contribution.


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