Business No: 118904887RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Can you respond to the respite need in our community? More than ever, children with disabilities need you...

Our Mission
A community where families are strong and children belong.
Family Respite Services (FRS) is a community organization in Windsor/Essex County that supports over 1200 families caring for children with disabilities.
Children and youth 0-18 years of age with developmental disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, children with Medical Health Challenges, children with Physical Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders.
FRS assists families to enrich their quality of life, seeking the fullest participation of the child in the community.
FRS works with the family to develop an individualized, flexible, family-centered respite support plan.
FRS has many programs to meet the needs of the family and children.
-600 Direct Support Providers work in families home and in the community so that parents get a shortbreak and children with disabilities can engage in meaningful activities (academic support, develop life skills, participate in sport and recreation, learn a new skill, have a support provider to help modify activities and ensure children can participate and have a safe learning opportunity.
-Staffed Respite Homes (Solcz Family Foundation Respite Home and Spago Home) Children with disabilities can access afterschool support, weekend support, summer day camp programs and a full weekend support program.
-Community Based Respite- FRS works in partnership with 7 community centres (Adie Knox, Optimist, Atlas Tube, Leamington, Oakwood, Forest Glade and Capri centre), so that children with disabilities can register for recreation activities just like their peers. This is a Friday night, Saturday and summer day camp program.
-Respitality (Respite + Hospitality)- a respite program in partnership with the hospitality sector, so that unpaid caregivers have a shortbreak from caregiving, contributing to personal and family resiliency.
Family Respite relies on donations and funding through grant opportunities to deliver these invaluable programs.