Help Us Build a School Fund
Business No: 107384893RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We need your help to build an Independent Christian School, one that does not take any government money, in Kamloops, BC.
In 2016, the British Columbia Ministry of Education began changing both the educational standards and other traditionally accepted norms within the provincial public school system. Overnight, a new curriculum known as Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity 1-2-3 (SOGI123) was implemented into public school systems. Students were encouraged to use any washroom they preferred, and they were taught to identify themselves according to non-binary genders. Further, library books used to explain "sexual identity" to students as young as kindergarten were pornographic. Parents of young children at First Baptist Church understood immediately these changes within the public system would result in their Christian students facing temptation, peer pressure, coercion, and even predatory behavior.
Confronted with a loss of access to quality educational opportunities that upheld high academic standards and supported traditional family values, the congregation of First Baptist Church began laying the foundation for what would eventually become First Baptist Classical Academy. The vision established by the church in 2016 was to educate children according to the classical methodology, to uphold high academic standards, to support children who come from poverty by keeping tuition as low as possible, and above all else, to proclaim the Name of Jesus.
Opening its doors in 2018 with twenty children enrolled, First Baptist Classical Academy has grown from an Elementary-only School to a full fledged Classical High School with over eighty students. The school expects its first graduates to receive their diplomas in 2026. Student at First Baptist Classical Academy are thriving, and already making a difference within the community.
But we need your help! There are dozens of families who wish to enroll at FBCA, but there is no classroom space available to accept these students. We are seeking to expand our school facilities. Would you please consider giving to our Help Build a School Fund, which aims to build a school for the many families of the British Columbian Interior who desperately need alternatives to the public education system?