Jeff Molloy Building Fund
Business No: 874361892RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Jeff Molloy played a significant role in the growth and development of the Gabriola Arts Council. He served as a Director for six years, and in the past two years he took the lead on the building project. Jeff had a no-nonsense approach to board leadership, often cutting through distractions and noise to deal with board and organizational issues head-on, and always with curiousity, respect, wisdom, and humour.
Two phrases expressed Jeff’s philosophy and approach to Arts Council business. The first—No Compromises—was his motto for the building project, and the standard he set for the renovations and development of the Gabriola Arts & Heritage Centre. He kept standards high, and encouraged all the team members—staff, volunteers, contractors—to do the same. The board and building team intend to continue the project inspired by this philosophy, and with renewed intention to honour Jeff’s vision.
The second phrase—Make A Bigger Table—expressed perfectly Jeff’s big-hearted approach to the role and potential of the Arts Council in the Gabriola community. For Jeff, all major discussions and decisions were informed by this inclusive, generous philosophy: what can we do to increase our service and support to the community? And how can we ensure that all Gabriolans are welcomed? “Make a bigger table,” he’d say, and then he’d work to ensure the entire community would know they’re welcome to join in.
Jeff’s legacy is profound and significant: his children and grandchildren, who will live within the circle of love he created forever; his art, of course—a body of work that will inspire and move generations of creative explorers; and the Gabriola Arts Council, a thriving organization that has been made stronger, more relevant, and more exciting through his incredible contributions.
Jeff discussed with Kathryn how he would like to be remembered by friends, colleagues, and community members. Without question, his wishes are for contributions to be made to the Gabriola Arts Council Building Fund.