Business No: 898324413RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
Gamiing Nature Centre*) is a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to share the enjoyment and importance of living in harmony with nature by balancing human needs with the needs of nature, working together towards sustainable ecosystems and stewardship of our natural resources and heritage for our and future generations. We do this with effective outdoor environmental programs for children and adults.
*)GAMIING - pronounced gaa-'ming is from the Ojibwa language meaning "at the shore" indicating our place along the shores of Pigeon lake
Gamiing Nature Centre has an interesting history of indigenous settlement and European colonization. In 1984 the Schipper family purchased the 100 acre abandoned farm on the west shore of Pigeon Lake. To protect the land from development it was put in Trust with the Kawartha Land Trust in 2002 to preserve it in perpetuity to keep it available as an environmental education site for our and future generations. This was the first gift to the Kawartha Land Trust. The family re-established the original forest by allowing the land to revert to its natural state. With planting stock provided by MNR and the help of family, friends and volunteers, hundreds of native trees were planted on the property.Gamiing Nature Centre was established as a charitable organization in 2000,with a Board of Directors to guide the activities on the property. That name was chosen to honour those who lived on the land before us and to indicate our location along the shore.See