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Generation Squeeze

Registered Name: Association for Generational Equity

Business No: 832390199RR0001

Generation Squeeze promotes wellbeing & fairness for all generations. Our Lab leads innovative research & our charity generates solutions.

Generation Squeeze


Generation Squeeze is a ‘Think and Change Tank’ that promotes wellbeing for all generations. As Canada’s leading charitable organization fighting for generational fairness, we turn knowledge into action and rejuvenate democracy to preserve what is sacred for younger and future generations: a healthy home, childhood and planet - so we all leave a proud legacy.  

For younger people, hard work no longer pays off the way it did for previous generations – thanks to declining wages and higher costs for essentials like education, housing, and child care. 

For older people, the hard work they have done and the taxes they have paid throughout their lives simply aren’t enough to cover the full cost of the services they need and use in retirement, like medical care and income supports.

The result?  Canada’s generational system is broken. Younger people are squeezed for money, time and services, while also inheriting growing financial and climate debts. Older people are worried about the legacy they are leaving for kids and grandkids they love.  

Generation Squeeze is committed to working together with you to fix this broken system 

The more people we have behind us, the more loudly we can call for generational fairness.  Every time someone joins our network, our volume is turned up one more notch.  

That’s why supporting us is a powerful act.  It shows political leaders that they can move boldly to address generational unfairness – and that the people of Generation Squeeze will have their backs. 

Together, we can build a Canada that works for all generations.



PO Box 31537


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