Rockfish Charms
Business No: 723053328RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Here’s your chance to add your name to a Rockfish Charm or a “school” of multiple charms in support of the Nicholas Sonntag Marine Education Centre’s mission to foster a community that actively cares for the health of our oceans.
Education is fundamental to our mission and in order to ensure that our programs remain accessible, engaging and inspiring for learners of all ages, we need your help.
Since opening our doors last spring, in addition to the 12,000 visitors who have toured our collect-and-release aquarium, our education programs have engaged more than 1,800 participants through field trips for school-aged learners, public lectures, Junior Aquarist camps, and other special events.
Our goal in 2019 is to more than double those numbers and we cannot do it without you.
We recover a little more than 1/4 of our operating costs from aquarium admissions and fee-based activities but as a charitable non-profit, we rely on grants, sponsorship and generous donations from individuals like you to make up the difference.
For every $500 you donate each year, you will have the opportunity to personalize a Rockfish Charm for display on the Waves of Generosity installation, prominently located in the main hall of Gibsons Public Market. Choose to have your charm inscribed with your own name or dedicate it in honour of someone special. Many of our donors have opted to dedicate “schools” of Rockfish, with individual charms for each member of their family.
Children love to see their name on personalized charms when they visit the aquarium, and this is a unique opportunity to instill in them an appreciation for the value of giving generously in support of causes that contribute to our collective well-being.
Make your donation today and help us to ensure that our oceans remain a source of wonder and awe for generations to come.
*Please be sure to include your contact information so that our staff can coordinate the dedication and installation of your charms.