GO Community Centre
Business No: 801941147RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The GCC is committed to maintaining and improving the Saville Community Sports Centre West; a facility that serves the Edmonton region.
The GO Community Centre (GCC) is a non-profit organization committed to maintaining and improving the Saville Community Sports Centre West. This is a unique, world-class recreation facility that is focused on serving individuals, families and league teams in the Capital region. This community-based, multi-use, recreation and sports complex is located on the University of Alberta’s South Campus.
The GCC is an organization made up of three partners; Edmonton Grads Basketball Centre, Ortona Gymnastics Club and, Edmonton Volleyball Centre Society. Together these partners work with the University of Alberta to provide affordable court space and a gymnastics facility to those in the Edmonton community.
GO Champions Campaign
All donations over $100 will be recognized on our donor wall located on the second floor of the building. All donations under $100 will be recognized on our website.
Giving Levels
Olympic Champion $5,000 or greater
World Champion $2,500 to $4,999
National Champion $1000 to $2,499
Provincial Champion $500 to $999
Regional Champion $100 to $499
Supporter $99 or less