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Women Advance


Business No: 722732922RR0001

Women Advance

It is a known fact that COVID-19 affected several businesses over the past two years. In El Salvador, a group of women lost their jobs after the textile factory they were working for closed down.

Most of them are single, heads of their households, and come from low-income backgrounds. For them, being suddenly unemployed and facing poverty after working for so many years with brands worldwide was a shock.

They teamed up and formed a cooperative called Mujer Avanza, but the government assistance they received wasn't enough. Earlier this year, Good Neighbors El Salvador got involved and started helping the women develop their own brand.

The group has a lot of experience in making clothes but they need support with pricing, marketing strategies, administration, and other topics that will help them manage their business successfully and independently.

Progress so far

Good Neighbors Canada is fundraising to assist the cooperative in several aspects. We hope to cover all the necessary equipment, materials, and training costs. Here are some updates:

  • Their business plan is ready.
  • The women received training in business management.
  • Their facility has been refurbished and painted; the electrical wiring has been repaired.
  • 7 industrial textile machines have been delivered in July.
  • Office supplies and other materials like chairs, scissors, pins, measuring tapes, and fire extinguishers have been delivered in August.
  • An accountant has been hired for financial and administrative support.
  • Another industrial cutting machine, yarns of cotton, 2 mannequins, a laptop, a mouse, a printer with ink, pens, paper, and other office supplies have been delivered in October.
  • 2 workshops are expected in November: basic computer skills for the office workers, and specific textile production training for those producing the clothes.
Production has started

The coop is currently fulfilling its first official order of 600 pairs of women's pajamas! This is for one of their former clients (before their old company closed down).

Currently, they are negotiating a contract for another order to deliver t-shirts.

Mujer Avanza is also starting to receive more exposure. The ladies presented their cooperative at an expo at the El Salvador World Trade Centre. They received great tips and feedback!

We are hoping they have enough time to produce stock for Christmas!