Circles London
Registered Name: Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes
Business No: 119023810RR0002
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Donate to Circles, a community initiative coordinated by Goodwill that is committed to the elimination of poverty by harnessing the power of a caring community working together.
Why We Do It?
Poverty affects our entire community, and too many of our neighbors can’t participate in everything London has to offer.
More than 62,000 Londoners are living with barriers of poverty. Too often poverty is seen as an issue of bad choices, but poverty is much more complex.
Who Are We?
We are a community led initiative made up of Circles staff, many organizations, faith groups and volunteers. Circles supports Londoners who are currently on Ontario Works to obtain economic self-sufficiency.
How Do We Do It?
Circles London is a transformational approach to ending poverty one family at a time. This approach works collaboratively with community volunteers who are further along in their careers – to assist Leaders (Circles participants), with their identified goals and needs.
Together, we work to remove complex systematic barriers that continue the cycle of poverty for many Londoners.