Grocer 4 Good Ability Development Program
Registered Name: Grocer 4 Good Ability Development Program
Business No: 779669134RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Grocer 4 Good Ability Development Program will provide employment opportunities for those persons with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, other intellectual disability or whom have been chronically underemployed.
We will also help to relieve poverty by providing grocery basics at below fair market value, and undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment for those charitable purposes.
Grocer 4 Good Ability Development Program will create widespread opportunities and community engagement outside of the employment opportunity for those persons with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, or those chronically underemployed, while giving back and providing much needed access for affordable life essentials for those on fixed and low incomes.
Keep paid employment opportunities for our staff, over 90% identify as having a disability and for most this has been their first paid job.
Maintain low mark-up on products (in some cases we sell at a loss - such as our 4 litre bags of milk) to assist our customers, many of whom are on limited incomes.
Provide a sense of purpose and pride in having a rewarding opportunity - not just for work experience, but interpersonal development and life skills (we have seen this from staff learning to clean our staff washrooms and knowing to look for past due dates on perishables)
Instill the values that we all have something to contribute to our community in a meaningful and rewarding way.
Support students (both college and high school) who come to us to complete their Co-Op Education credits (most recent partnership with Sault College and their Community Integration Through Co-operative Education C.I.C.E. program)