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Say 'Yes' This Holiday Season


Business No: 863787370RR0001

Say 'Yes' This Holiday Season

In the warm embrace of the holidays, amid twinkling lights and the comfort of family, there's a word that captures the essence of the season: 'Yes'.

A 'Yes' can be the start of a snowball fight, the permission to hang a cherished ornament, or even the magic whispered through the pages of a timeless bedtime story.

But for many families in BC, saying 'Yes' to a safe, stable home remains a distant dream. This holiday season, your 'Yes' has the power to change that. Your 'Yes' can turn the key to unlock doors, lay the bricks to build walls, and paint the colors of a child’s new bedroom.

Our holiday campaign, "The Power of Yes," isn't just a fundraiser—it's a commitment to change lives, and it's a testament to what we can do when we say 'Yes' together.

Why Your 'Yes' Matters

Immediate Impact: Every dollar you contribute brings us closer to saying 'Yes' to another family in need of a home. Immediate relief and long-term stability begin with your donation.

A Lasting Legacy: The homes we build are not just for one holiday season; they are for lifetimes, for families to grow, and for communities to flourish.

Help Solve the Crisis: BC is in a housing crisis. The more times we can say 'Yes', the more we can ease the burden on struggling families, one home at a time. So, will you say 'Yes' with us? Your gift could be the difference between a family celebrating the holidays in the harsh cold or within the warm walls of their own home. This Christmas, be the magic in someone's story. Say 'Yes' to hope, 'Yes' to love, and 'Yes' to a better future for all.

Donate today, and let your 'Yes' ring true.