Halifax Search and Rescue
Business No: 890480593RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Halifax Search & Rescue is a 100% non-profit, volunteer organization on call 24/7 to respond to lost-person incidents and civil emergencies.
Halifax Search & Rescue (HSAR) is a 100% non-profit, volunteer organization and registered charity with more than 150 active members on call 24/7, 365 days a year to respond to lost-person incidents and civil emergencies.
Halifax Search & Rescue is a 100% non-profit, registered charity that receives limited provincial and city grants each year to support its operations.
Beyond day-to-day operations, we continue to rely heavily on fundraising for expenses such as the maintenance and purchase of specialized equipment, vehicles, training and safety gear needed to help us bring lost persons home.
Our mandate is to locate and rescue lost persons within the greater Halifax area and throughout Nova Scotia. Our team covers hundreds of square kilometres of terrain including parks, forest, shorelines, and urban areas. Many of those we search for are children, hikers and hunters, senior citizens or individuals with mental health issues.
The mandate of Halifax Search & Rescue is to locate and rescue lost persons within our jurisdiction in the best possible condition. Our mission is to bring a lost subject home, under any circumstance, as quickly as possible.
Support from individuals and organizations enables us to focus on the task at hand while training personnel to respond to lost-person incidents and civil emergencies year round.
Please Support Halifax Search & Rescue