Oromocto & Surrounding Area Food & Clothing Bank
Registered Name: HELPLINE INC.
Business No: 107476475RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
CAPITAL CAMPAIN - Oromocto Central NB Warehouse FOOD HUB: "Building Walls/Removing Barriers "
Core Programs that need your ongoing financial support.
- Emergency Food Hampers to over 500 families each month representing 1500 individuals of which 36% are children. (we are able to provide 40% fresh produce in our food hampers which includes fresh foods, frozen repackaged/reclaimed fresh foods, milk, eggs, protein foods, bread, which adds up to one full week of food assistance)
- School Brown Bag Lunches, Homemade Hot soups and weekend food backpacks are delivered weekly to local schools made in our own Kitchen.
- Eggs in Schools – 500 eggs per week are cook, peeled and packaged in our kitchen by eager volunteers of all ages, then delivered to elementary and middle schools each week.
- School Supply Program/ back packs filled with school supplies for our children going back to school in September. Also our Christmas Gift and Christmas Food Hampers are essential for that Happy Holiday Season.
Weekly healthy food purchases are a big part of our overall budget which is $450,000 each year, We operate with a minimum of administration staff and a large core group of volunteers.
We manage your donations with great care and thoughtfulness to make sure it benefits those in need.
The facility is 6,000 sq ft wheelchair accessible/ energy efficient building that hosts:
- Food Distribution Warehouse: large walk in freezers and refrigerators, food receiving, food packing
- Licensed Educational Kitchen: eat, cook, share, learn, a warm gathering space where Healthy Foods is always in style.
- Community Gardens – growing food, sharing food, educational programming for children, space to host events
The organization serves a population of over 35000, a 70 kilometer radius from the Town of Oromocto boundaries that includes:
Hoyt, Wirral, Fredericton Junction, Tracy, Lincoln, Maugerville, Upper Gagetown, Geary, Burton, Rusagonis, Waasis, Gagetown, Jemseg, Cambridge Narrows and all points in between.
We believe that healthier food means healthier communities. Our food bank is able to provide 40% fresh foods to those who come to use our food hamper services through our partnerships and programs.