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Planetarium Star Theatre Upgrades


Business No: 106812183RR0001

Planetarium Star Theatre Upgrades

The Planetarium Star Theatre is in urgent need of an upgrade. Space lovers like you to help make it possible!

Over the last year, all six projectors in the Planetarium Star Theatre have broken down. While we were able to repair them, for several weeks in April and May we were unable to host visitors in the theatre.

It is only a matter of time before the projectors fail again. They are at the end of their life—but you can help us replace them.

Your donation will support the future of the Planetarium Star Theatre!

Gifts will help bring urgently needed upgrades to the Planetarium Star Theatre and ensure a new generation of space enthusiasts will be able to experience the wonder of space.

The Planetarium Star Theatre is the main reason why visitors come to the Space Centre. It is a unique place in BC. Nearly 30,000 children visit every year—inspiring that sense of wonder in the next generation.

Can you imagine if we were unable to renew the Planetarium Star Theatre? If the people of Vancouver and BC no longer had access to this wonderful experience? I hope you feel inspired to help us renew the facility for a new generation.

About the Planetarium Star Theatre 

During the 2024 season, we aim to acquire new equipment for the Planetarium Star Theatre, the main attraction at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society (HRMSCS). As a teaching tool and highlight of our community engagement, it is the reason why our visitors come to the Space Centre—a dome-screen theatre this size and shape is unique in BC. The dome screen provides an immersive experiential learning opportunity to feel the vastness of outer space. For up to 230-guests at a time, they are able to visually experience a journey to space from the comfort of our one-of-a-kind theatre and get up close and personal with planets, meteor showers, black holes, galaxies, and other astronomical wonders that give the audience a sense of awe and wonder at the universe.

Your gift will help us to achieve transformative change through new investments in equipment and programs.  This investment offers exciting new opportunities in the three priority areas of community support and engagement, collaboration and connection, and innovative STEAM educational programming. 

At a time when space research, space travel, space exploration, STEAM-based education and engagement are at the forefront of the global community, it has never been more important to encourage science literacy as a keystone in our daily lives. The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society is committed to serving the needs of the communities in which we live and work.

About the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Society

The HRMSCS is a non-profit educational science museum located in Vanier Park in Vancouver, BC. The HRMSCS has been BC’s premier space science attraction since opening in 1968. We bridge arts, culture, and science to create unique shows, exhibits, and special events that spark curiosity and inspire exploration. As one of Canada’s oldest science centres, we are one of three dome screens in Canada. Our science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) -based school and public programs are the foundation of our work. Our Learning team of science interpreters guide our multigenerational audiences through our shows and exhibitions in an accessible way, using space and space exploration as the platform to engage our city, the province and the country.