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Middle East Disaster Relief

Registered Name: Humanity First

Business No: 872541040RR0001

Middle East Disaster Relief

Donate Today for Humanity First’s Middle East Crisis Appeal                         

Humanity First has been working  for world’s poorest and most vulnerable (including in the Middle East) for over 25 years.

Tens of thousands of people across Gaza and the wider region are the victims of  devastating loss, trauma and overwhelming need. The situation continues to worsen daily. 

By donating today, you can support our humanitarian efforts in the region. We already have trusted partners on the ground who are responding with medical relief, food, shelter and sanitation. 

Our Middle East Crisis Appeal is focused on providing humanitarian assistance to the victims in Palestine. 

We are working with our partners in Gaza and the West Bank to help where the needs are extremely urgent and critical.

Please give generously for "Middle East Relief"